Health for One Million is a comprehensive health service wing of the Diocese of Marthandam, aiming at the total development of the people. It is known as HOM, which is a registered Trust with the aim of helping the poor people in their total growth particularly in the field of health. It was registered on February 3, 1997 and its registration number is 18 of 1997. Women play the main role in HOM programmes. They get empowered and contribute positively to the well-being of people in their society.
It is an on-going service oriented educational programme, in which people of all religion, caste, language, community participate without any distinction. In the year 1977 the late Bishop Lawrence Mar Ephraem shaped this innovative and effective programme from his rich experience in the field of health. It was indeed a response to the WHO’s call for ‘ Health for all by 2000 A.D. HOM’s activities are spread out in the Kanyakumari District of Tamil Nadu. His Excellency Most . Rev. Dr. Vincent Mar Paulos, the Bishop of Marthandam is the Managing trustee and Rev. Fr. Robert is the Director of HOM
Empowering women is an essential tool for sustainable development and considerably reducing poverty. Formation and strengthening sustainable Self Help Groups are relevant today to address the increasing social issues of community and society and ensure social justice. We strongly believe that SHGs are the main platform to empower the powerless and capacitate them to address their issues.
The self-help groups are basis for the social and economic empowerment of deprived and disadvantaged women has been found to be a successful mechanism for the organization, mobilization and self development of women. These groups can facilitate the process of economic empowerment through thrift and savings, training and skill up gradation and access to credit and other productive resources.
Empowering women is an essential tool for sustainable development and considerably reducing poverty. This program is linked with SHGs. This programs will be implemented for the empowerment of poor rural women through enhancing the knowledge level, increase the income of the families, reduct
A savings scheme exclusively for the children in 4 zones was to help the children in their future studies. The saving mentality of children make them more respond to the community and also they can secure their self sustainability for their feature.
The skill development programmes mainly focus to identify the skills and talent of the women SHG members and to impart training programmes to develop their talents for converting it to productive ventures. HOM identify interested and skilled members from the interventional area with the support of community organizers and local Parish Priests. With the support of Banks and Industries department,, we provides Micro Entrepreneurship development training to the selected members in food preservation, ornament making, tailoring, Embroidery, Animal Husbandry, etc: The participants were also oriented to the modern trends, marketing skills, ways to tackle the competition, quality maintenance, linkages and networking.
Health for One Million (HOM) takes care to the children with specially challenged and runs a Special school at Kuzhithurai to take care of the mentally retarded children in our area of operation for the past 22 years. HOM take care of these mentally retarded children during the day time. This is done only as free services.
Marthandam Medical Missions health program, established in 2011 works to change peoples' health practices and care seeking behavior through education, awareness and experience with quality services. In addition, the program explores innovative solutions to local health challenges, as well as works with the government in an attempt to improve the area's public health services. Marthandam Medical Mission collaborates with local community health workers, other civil society organizations, the government, and the private health sector to work towards these objectives.
The interventional area of HOM especially the rural hilly areas and coastal belts are prone to communicable diseases. HOM have taken special attention to raise awareness on the Communicable diseases, Life style diseases, symptoms and steps that should be taken to keep themselves away from those illnesses. HOM conducted 15 programs and 11Medical and Eye camp in its interventional area.
Lack of qualified doctors, proper medical facilities and ignorance and inability to afford treatment worsen the situation. The villagers have no choice but to go to local untrained medics or quacks or forgo treatment. Many times small problems can become major ailments over a period of time. Our Marthandam Medical Mission program aims to help people from our apart from cast and creed who access basic healthcare, eye care and also trauma care. More over Marthandam Medical Mission is trying to get more donors for this perpetual service.
HOM has established a marriage fund to help the poorest of the poor girls in memory of its founder Most Rev. Lawrence Mar Ephraem. An amount of Rs. 5 Lakhs was mobilized and made a fixed deposit. Every year on 8th April, during the memorial service of the Bishop, selected poor girls were given Rs. 10000/- each for their marriage purposes.
HOM participates and give hand for Clean and green environment for living healthy and peaceful life and to prevent any further damage to it.
Whether it is small or big, charities are an integral part of every community. Charities change the lives of people in need every day with even the smallest of donations making a large impact in a community. The more we give, the happier we feel. Volunteering increases self-confidence. This concept in mind we help the needy people every day though we don’t have the needed resources.